Profile Title
Digital marketing specialist
In Khulna, BangladeshAbout Me
A Digital Marketing Specialist focuses on promoting products or services through various online channels and platforms. Their role involves crafting and executing strategies to enhance a brand’s online presence, engage potential customers, and drive conversions. This includes managing social media accounts, running email marketing campaigns, optimizing websites for search engines (SEO), and analyzing digital campaign performance. They utilize tools and data to track effectiveness, adjust strategies, and ensure marketing goals are met. By staying updated with digital trends and technological advancements, Digital Marketing Specialists play a crucial role in helping businesses grow in the digital landscape.
Service Calendar
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it is automatically open for booking at any available time. If your service price is non-negotiable, then someone can book that service without your confirmation. If the price is negotiable, you will have to approve each time the booking request.
This calendar can be enabled or disabled at any time, but all the services that has been booked should be provided.

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